S.O.A.P. 30 Day Challenge in 28 Days - Day #2, February 2, 2023 "Observing Sabbath Even When There's More to Do."

S. Exodus 34:21 (NIV) “Six days you shall labor, but on the seventh day you shall rest, even during the plowing season and harvest you must rest.”

O. God teaches His people the principle of the Sabbath. We are to work 6 days and rest one day. Even when there seems like there is more work to do; we are to trust God and honor Him by resting one day.

God desires His people to keep their focus on Him and not on our own “productive” efforts. He desires to show us that we actually enjoy more blessings with less productive effort when we honor Him by observing the Sabbath. Simply put - God can do more with less. He is Jehova Jire (Our God will provide).

A. A sabbath rest doesn’t seem like “rest” to me in some ways. I seem to have energy plus and there’s seemingly always something to do. However, and for me, it’s an act of faith to simply give God that day by resting from productive efforts and to trust Him to provide as I spend a day of worshipping Him through reading, reflection and enjoying what He has given me.

P. Thank you Father that you continue to teach me more about Sabbath. I confess I do not yet observe Sabbath perfectly, but I’m willing to continue to learn to trust you with more of the Sabbath. I know with you, less is more. Thank you. I praise and honor you today. In Jesus’ name!

Posted on February 2, 2023 .