S. Acts 10:4-5 (NIV) ornelius stared at him in fear. “What is it, Lord?” he asked.
The angel answered, “Your prayers and gifts to the poor have come up as a memorial offering before God. 5 Now send men to Joppa to bring back a man named Simon who is called Peter.
O. Cornelius, a gentile, prayed to God regularly and gave to those who had need. At one of his regular times of prayer he is told by an Angel to send to a town Joppa for a man called Peter. At the same time, Peter is praying and receives a vision from God. The vision is God’s teaching moment for Peter that God is now sending Peter to these gentiles that they might receive Christ and the Holy Spirit as well.
As I see this, God is preparing people (Peter) to meet prepared people (Cornelius and his household). God is preparing Peter’s heart to meet Cornelius whom God is preparing for salvation and reception of the Holy Spirit (and water baptism). God is so great! He sees situations and then in His grace, works in the hearts of others for those situational needs to be met. God prepares people to meet prepared people.
A. So many times we miss the opportunities that God has put right in front of us because we have allowed our minds or hearts to wander off, focusing on ourselves and we miss hearing His voice (and the opportunity). Peter listened. He received a word that was contrary to his earlier thinking (that God was now reaching out to unclean gentiles) which led to a great ministry opportunity. I desire to be one who listens to God’s voice, sees the opportunities unfold and then follows God in faith and obedience to allow God to use me in reaching others.
P. Thank you Father for your word today. Holy Spirit, fill me, guide me and prepare me (my heart and mind) to be available to minister to others whom you are preparing. In Jesus’ name.