S.O.A.P. 30 Day Challenge in 28 Days - Day 1 - February 1, 2023 "Patience and Preparation for the Lord"

S Exodus 32:1 (NIV)  When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, “Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him.”

O.In the previous chapters of Exodus, God is revealing to Moses His insructions and blessings for Israel. It is taking some time. Meanwhile, the people of Israel grow impatient and decide they will make an idol and worship it.

I see a correlation to our present time - people who are believers in God and in Christ, get impatient regarding the Lord’s second coming (His return). He is preparing Heaven for us and He’s patient for those who do not yet know Him, that they might come to know Him. But people become impatient and may think, “it’s been 2,000 years, He’s not coming” and then make idols for themselves. Idols in the form of filling their lives with other things that take the place of God.

A. I can see why God delays, though I desire to see Him and to be with Him. I know he’s wanting others to place their faith in Him - the Harvest is great. This is not a time to depart from Him by filling up our lives with other things that only He can provide. This is a time to ever increase (build up) our faith and to do our part to reach othes.

P. Thank you Father for your word today. Though you may delay in coming, I know its for the purpose of blessing all of us - to reach many others to be in your family. I will continue to ramp up efforts to lead people to you and not away from you. I pray your blessing upon my efforts and those that I am able to teach and lead. Lord, you said the Harvest is plentiful and to pray to the Lord of the Harvest for workers. Father we don’t have a harvest problem we have a worker problem I do pray that you will then bring in more workers to help people move toward you and now away from you. In Jesus’ name!

Posted on February 1, 2023 .