S. Acts 20:32 (NIV)
“Now I commit you to God and to the Word of His grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.”
O. Paul is teaching the Ephesians elders (local pastors) to guard the flock (the church) against false teachers who would rise up. These pastors were to be on their guard to protect the truth of God’s word from error.
Paul commits them to the Lord and to the word (logos) of His grace which he states “can build them up and give them an inheritance.”
Regularly reading God’s word will do these two things: First it will build you up. The word meaning is like that of building a house. God’s word builds you up. You (spirit/soul) are protected from the outside elements in that you are surrounded by God’s word. His word is like a place to live. It protects you or builds you up. It allows you to grow and mature.
Secondly, it will give you an inheritance. The word meaning here is that you will receive a share of the blessings of eternity. When we share God’s word with others, we participate in the eternal rewards and blessings of others. As others receive God’s word and come to know Christ, we have a share in those eternal blessings.
A. I have been blessed these past 45 years of knowing Christ and for the past 41 years of faithfully reading His word. I have experienced greater blessing as as pastor for the past 26 years in sharing His word with others. I encourage you to daily read God’s word, journal it and then share it with others. That’s one of the reasons for this 30 day S.O.A.P. challenge.
P. Thank you Father for your Word today. Thank you that your word builds us up, protecting us from error and that we have an eternal reward and blessing in this work. Thank you in Jesus name!