S. Acts 18:9-10 “One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision, ‘Do not be afraid, keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one else is going to attack and harm you, because I have any people in this city.”
O. Paul had followed God’s open door to Macedonia. He had experienced fruitful ministry in answering God’s call. Yet now there was difficulty. There was opposition. I can’t help but think, "God, are you sure you know what you’re doing? Why God would you call me here, give me a taste of blessing and then allow me to experience such hardships?”
Yet the Lord intervened through a vision to encourage Paul to keep sharing Christ and that He would keep Paul safe. Because of God’s intervening encouragement, Paul was able to continue a fruitful work.
A. Can you relate to this? I sure can. At times my faith is strong and I can step out, go where I’ve never gone before following His lead. At other times, I experience (or at least feel this way) difficulty and hardship and ask God those very questions, “Why God have you allowed this to happen in my life at this time in my life?”
Perhaps you have some of those very same thoughts. You believe God has called you to do a work for Him. You have followed Him in faith and yet, you may also experience hardship and find yourself asking God about the situation at hand.
The great thing here is that God knows our thoughts. He knows our hearts. He knows our emotions. He also knows what He has called us to do and what He has gifted us to do. He does not shirk His promises. He always comes through and at times provides a little extra intervention to help us complete the task.
P. Thank you Father. I know that you have a work for me and that you will guard me with your protective hand. I praise and thank you and ask for a fruitful season of ministry and I ask this in Jesus’ name!