S. Acts 21:20 (NIV)
“..When they heard this (Paul’s Gentile ministry report)(, they praised God. Then they said to Paul, “You see brother, how many thousands of Jews have believed, and all of them are zealous for the law (of Moses).”
O. Paul was dedicated to the mission of proclaiming the Grace of God to Gentiles, yet his heart was for his own people, the Jews (Romans 9:1-5).
Thousands of Jews came to know Christ, perhaps because of Paul’s missionary journeys. Whenever he would go to reach Gentiles, he often made sure to visit the local Jewish synagogue and strike up a conversation with local Jews about Jesus.
Paul wanted to reach as many people for Christ. He, being a Jew, was willing to observe Jewish ceremonies if it meant more people placing their faith in Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 9:20-22).
As Pastor Craig Groeshel often says, “we’ll do anything just short of sin, to reach people for Jesus Christ.”
A. Again, God has spoken very clearly to me of my call to reach and teach as many people as I can for Jesus Christ. I will not allow differences that we have on other issues of life dissuade me from living out my high calling to proclaim Jesus Christ and God’s amazing grace to all that I’m able to.
P. Thank you Father for your word today. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to more opportunities to share your great love for others by proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord to all that I am able to. In Jesus’ name!