Faith That Produces
S. James 2:17 “So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.”
O. Faith, that act of believing, isn’t enough. Enough for what? I think the context is clear; it isn’t enough for practically demonstrating the love of God. In the broader context, James is talking about not showing favoritism; rather, demonstrating love and mercy to all people regardless of their position in life.
Faith should be active producing.. Working, not for attaining salvation, but for the practical workings of caring for people.
I do think it’s possible for people to have a season in their life in which they come to Jesus and place their faith in Him. They rejoice in all that He has done for them but they do not nurture and develop this faith (act of believing) and don’t then invest it back into the lives of other people. So what good is it (in that context)?
A. My faith – my act of believing in Jesus, will be nurtured by practical disciplines of prayer, reading the Word, corporate worship and small group fellowship andthe result will be a dynamic outworking of this emboldened faith that I pray will bless people.
P. Father, I pray that my life will be a demonstration of my belief in you and expressing your love toward others