The Ultimate Tatoo
S. Hebrews 8:10b “...I will put my laws in their minds and I will write them on their hearts…”
O. God will bless His people with the New Covenant. One way that He will do this is that He will fill our minds with His Word and He will write His word on our hearts.
I think of inscribing words on flesh - tatoos. Tatoos are images or words that communicate a message displayed on flesh for others to see. I’ve never had a tatoo but I gotta believe that the process of having those things inscribed / burned onto flesh is painful. Yet, I think that this is a powerful image presented in this passage.
God’s word will be inscribed into/onto the hearts of His people. Sometimes the intake of God’s word can be painful… either in developing the discipline of doing this on a regular basis, or the pain in responding obediently to His Word and direction in our life. Yet when we do, it is written upon our hearts (our emotions, our deep seeded affections) and will be forever displayed, at least to God and felt by us of our commitment to Him.
A. Every day I will continue to read and meditate upon God’s word and allow it to go deep down, penetrating my heart in such a way that is ‘stamped” as an image on my affections / feelings and that it guides my deepest emotions.
P. Thank you Father for this wonderful gift.. Your word filling my mind and “stamped” as an image upon my heart.. But more than an image, penetrating and guiding my affections and that my affections and my thinking are in balance.