Calm in the Storm

Calm in the Storm -- July 19, 2016


S. Psalm 46:1, 10

“God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble…”  V. 10 “…Be still and know that I’m God…”

O. God is our safe place and He wants us to come to Him in troublesome times. The description of some hard times are incredible – earthquakes, mountains crumbling, flooding and despite all of that, despite all the acts of terrorism (read the entire chapter which mentions warfare), God is our refuge and desires us to simply be still and know that He’s God (Elohim – the Creator God) (and that we are not).

A. I will be calm despite what is happening around me that I cannot control – economy, tragic events, political happenings, wars, hardships of others.. Everything that our culture is immersed with by the media..  I can come to God.. He’s my refuge. I’m still. I know He’s got it and then I pray others will see the life of peace He blesses me with and desire to have that as well.


P. Father, thank you for this Word today. Thank you for the reassurance that I need to let you be God and understand that I’m not.  And thank you for bringing me the song “Oceans” as I read your word today.. “Spirit lead me when my trust is without borders.”

Posted on July 19, 2016 .