S.O.A.P. 30 Day Challenge – Day #18, September 18, 2023 “God’s Word Never Fails.”

S. Luke 1:37 (NIV) “For no word from God will ever fail.”

O. The angel Gabriel had made two birth announcements – one to Elizabeth, who was older and unable to have children. The other was to Mary, a young lady who was a virgin (a teenager). Gabriel offers this assurance – “no word from God will ever fail.”  This encouraging reminder may have been needed, especially by Mary. She may have had some doubt, fear and certainly how and if these things can really be true.

A. I know God can do the miraculous. He chose to bless Elizabeth though she previously was unable to have children. He chose to bless Mary -a virgin. If He can do that then, I know He can do anything He says He will do. His words never fail. 

I think of His call in my life, and I’ve seen Him do miraculous things in my life and ministry. I think, “If He’s done this before He can do it again. He doesn’t fail.” I, perhaps like Elizabeth and Mary, take courage and rejoice in that “No word from the Lord will EVER fail.”

P. Thank you Lord for this word today. Thank you that no word from you will ever fail. I take courage from this truth and rejoice in all that you have called me to do. You’ve done the miraculous before, I pray that you will do it again because “No word from You will EVER fail.” I pray and ask this in Jesus’ name!

Posted on September 18, 2023 .