S.O.A.P. 30 Day Challenge – Day #17, September 17, 2023 “The Tabernacle Prayer.”

S.O.A.P. 30 Day Challenge – Day #17, September 17, 2023 “The Tabernacle Prayer.”

S. Ezekiel 43:10 (NIV) “Son of man, describe the temple to the people of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their sins. Let them consider its perfection and if they are ashamed of all they have done, make known to them the design of the temple….”

O. Ezekiel was to teach people about God’s temple that that they would be in awe of it, that is, understanding its design. By understanding its design, we can and will be blessed to a closer walk with God.

A. I am so glad that I have been taught the tabernacle prayer (albeit I was 57 years old when I first learned of it). It’s such as blessing to be able to walk through the temple and consider each area of its design and how that can draw me closer to God.

-Outer courtyard – enter His gates with thanksgiving, His courts with praise

-Brazan Alar – I am reminded of the sacrifices that picture the sacrifice of Jesus.

- Reflection Pool – I see myself and confess my sins to God.

-Candlestick – A symbol of the Holy Spirit and the wisdom that comes from the Holy Spirit

-Table of Showbread – My need for God’s word every day.

-Altar of Incense – Praying not according to me, but to God. Praying the names of God.

- Ark of the Covenant – the place of the High Priest – we are interceded in prayer for others

P. Thank you Lord for teaching me the intimate design of the temple and its symbolism.  It teaches me more of you and how I can be closer to you in prayer. I’m in awe of who you are, and I desire to walk closely with you. In Jesus’ name

Posted on September 17, 2023 .