21 Days of Prayer - Day 16 - Monday,  August 22, 2022  Jesus Can Fill Your Gap

21 Days of Prayer - Day 16 - Monday,  August 22, 2022  Jesus Can Fill Your Gap

We face a challenge throughout our life .. it’s a gap. .from where I am and where God is.

We have all felt this gap from time to time.

Prayer is inviting Jesus into that gap!  It’s inviting God to get involved in the gap.

An English phrase “Mind the gap.”  It was used to help people be mindful of the space of stepping off the train to the railway.

Today we need to “mind the gap.” Be mindful of having Jesus be in our gap.

Psalm 31:21-22 (NIV) 21 Praise be to the Lord, for he showed me the wonders of his love when I was in a city under siege.22 In my alarm I said,   “I am cut off from your sight!” Yet you heard my cry for mercy  when I called you for help.

This city under siege is a picture of attacks on all sides. Ultimately the enemy wants to cut that city off from any resources.

David feels like he’s in a gap from the help he needs and what he actually receives.

Gaps might be sickness, feelings, thoughts or any area of our life where we feel that we are falling short and lacking.  But the greatest thing to know is Jesus fills every gap. 

Romans 8:38 (NIV) For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[a] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers,

Jeremiah 23:24 (NIV) Who can hide in secret places  so that I cannot see them?”

declares the Lord.   “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” declares the Lord.

Today if we’re going to invite Jesus into our gap, we can be like David in  this Psalm.

David approached God with honesty and transparency.  We too should approach God with our most honest and transparent thoughts.

In every honest conversation we have with God, He does not flinch. He’s not afraid. He’s ready to fill the gap.  When this happens, we can then stand in the gap for others through intercessory prayer.

Posted on August 22, 2022 .