S.O.A.P. 30 Day Challenge Day # 10, April 10, 2022 "Demolishing Strongholds"

S. 2 Corinthians 10:4 (NIV) “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.”

O. Paul had prayed and hoped that some of the believers who were disobedient to God’s word would be obedient so that he would not have to across to them as “hard” or “bold” when he would visit them. However, he maintained his stand that he would continue to trust God in this wafare by fighting or using God’s ways to wage the spiritual warfare. Paul maintained that the spiritual war was about breaking down strongholds that was against God and to take captive any ungodly thoughts.

A. I must allow the Holy Spirit to help free me and keep me from any thoughts that make me a prisoner of my flesh or the enemy’s wishes. The tools that God has give us are many: asking the Holy Spirit to flow His gifts through us to serve others, scripture reading, memorization, prayer (intercessory and warfare). We must not accept the “status quo” of allowing ungodly thoughts to capture us; rather we must be actively seeking that divine power through the practice of those spiritual disciplines I just listed.. When we do this, we are able to break down walls and experience freedom from the captivity the enemy seeks to impose on us.

P. Thank you Father for this vivid picture of spiritual walls being broken down and freeing people from captivity to obedience to Christ Jesus. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to experience this in my life and to help others also break down any walls that have kept them locked into disobedience of God’s direction. In Jesus’ name.

Posted on April 10, 2022 .