S. Acts 25:11 (NIV) “If, however, I am guilty of doing anything deserving death, I do not refuse it….”
O. Paul is falsey accused by this group of Jews that follow him around and oppose his teachings. Paul’s life is one of absolute integrity. His life is of such a quality and standard that he can make the claim that if he had violated the law, he would accept the penalty. His accusers could not find any fault in him.
A. I too desire to be able to live my life with such integrity. I am certainly not there yet but I pray that I can be. This reminds me of Daniel in the Old Testament. People tried to find fault with him but they could not. That’s what I desire, to be truly blameless or faultless. To have integrity that shines so bright that those who oppose me can find nothing in my life to even accuse me.
P. Thank you Father for the great example of the Apostle Paul. He upheld the rule of law and would submit to it; however he also displayed an integrity that was so evident, his accuser could not find fault. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to have that kind of integrity in my life and ministry. In Jesus’ name!