July 18, 2021 Standing Firm In Difficult Times

S. Isaiah 33:6 (NIV) “He (The Lord) will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge, the far of the Lord is the key to this treasure.”

O. Isaiah writes to Israel and Judah in this time of crises - first the invading Assyrian army and soon an invasion of the Babylonians. The Lord, through the prophet Isaiah reminds Israel that the Lord is a sure foundation - you can depend upon Him. You can stand firm and not lose your footing. You have security with Him. You can build your faith and your life upon Him. He is also a “rich store”.. there is no limit to how and what He can supply us with, if His people will simply look to Him, to Worship and hold Him in the highest regard.

A. What a wonderful word of reassurance for any time and in particular during difficult times. We can stand firm upon the Lord as our foundation. Also, in Him we have this vast supply of whatever we need - salvation’s blessings, wisdom, knowledge and more. We are greatly supplied to live a truly blessed and effective life for the Lord when we look to Him in wonder and faith.

P. Thank you Father for this word of encouragement today. Thank you for being a sure foundation and for being a vast store of supply for every need. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to live and grow in faith and to enjoy and effective blessed life advancing your Kingdom in awe, wonder and faith in who You are. In Jesus’ name!

Posted on July 18, 2021 .