S. James 1:4 “Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
O. Trials and tests are a part of our lives. Our faith is tested and it can produce perseverance. James write that perseverance has a purpose - to bring us to a state of spiritual maturity and completeness. If we allow it to do its work, we will not be lacking in anything.
A. I have a history of not allowing perseverance to do its work. When I go through painful trials, I have a habit of “ejecting” myself from it. I may feel less pressure afterwards, but I also believe I am missing out on what that persevering perfecting work of God’s could be or do in my life.
As future trials and tests come my way (they do and will come), I will pray for endurance to allow perseverance to do it’s work. I will not remove myself from that situation and trust God to perfect His work in and through me.
P. Thank you Father for your word today. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me. Give me strength and endurance to persevere and allow the Lord to perfect His working in and through my life. In Jesus’ name!