S. “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering seed, some fell along the path, and the birds ate it up. Some fell on rocky places..other seed fell among thorns. Still other seed fell on the good soil.”
O. The farmer is sowing seed in four different places. He gets really good results when the seed hits the “good soil.” However, there is no other growth from the other 3 locations.
Mu first thought is that in planting. We are planting the gospel in the hearts of people. There is a 25% “success rate” due to the conditions of people’s hearts. People go through different seasons of their lives and are at times not responsive. They let other things come in and hinder the planting process.
My next thought is, understanding this, perhaps there is work on my part (the planters) in working the soil and better preparing it. This might be done through prayer, conversations and friendship.
A. I will continue to share Christ in many ways. When I see ineffectiveness I will pray and ask God for ways I can help better prepare the soil (conditioning for them to be receptive).
P. Thank you Father for opportunities to share Christ. I pray for wisdom and determination to keep sharing, cultivating and praying. I also pray Holy Spirit for your filling and keeping my heart properly conditioned for your work in me.