The Spoils of War - 1 Samuel 30 - April 25, 2020

S. 1 Samuel 30:18

“David recovered everything the Amalekites had taken, including his two wives.”

O. David’s battle with the Amalekites reminds me of the victory that Jesus has won for all of us. It also reminds me of a message I heard Pastor S. Lee Homoki preach, September 19, 1982 at Grace Bible Church in Newaygo, MI. He titled that message “The Spoils of War.”

Here are some similarities between David’s victory and Jesus’ victory.

The Amalekites (the enemies of God) destroy Ziklag (and everyone it in, causing pain and hardship).

—-Satan is one who prowls around, he seeks to steal, kill and destroy - John 10:10

David encouraged himself in the Lord

—— Sometimes you can only turn to God and for Salvation you CAN only turn to Him to receive Jesus.

David inquired of the Lord.

——- We need to turn to Jesus (For Salvation and for peace and comfort - Acts 4; Mt. 11:28-30)

David recovers everything

—- Jesus offers us a a complete salvation (John 10:10; 2 Tim. 1:9; 1 Cor. 1:18; Romans 5:9-10)

David gives gifts to all

—- Jesus gives gifts (1 Cor. 12; Romans 12; Ephesians 4

A. I know and will not forget that we are in a spiritual battle. As S. Lee Homoki said, “God has not called us to the recreation room, God has called us to the battlefield.” I will keep my focus on Jesus and the victory He has won for me. When I’m discouraged, I will look for Him to “put courage in me.” I will daily use my gifts and express my thanks to God for my full and complete redemption.

P. Thank you Father for the victory you have won. Thank you that my salvation is complete and that I and all who call on you, lack nothing. In Jesus name!

Posted on April 25, 2020 .