S. Mark 14:37-38 “Then He returned and found the disciples asleep. He said to Peter, ‘Simon, are you asleep? Couldn’t you watch with me even one hour? Keep watch and pray so that you will not give into temptation. For the spirit is willing and the flesh is weak.’”
O. Jesus teachers His followers to stay focused to the their call and pray - so that they will not fall into temptation. Focused prayer is a key to overcoming the weakness of the flesh.
I have observed during my life that when people are tired (myself included), we seem to have a natural bent to make costly mistakes, to sin, to error and grieve God. The flesh is weak when we are tired. However, during these times, until our bodies can receive the rest, temptation does not take a break; therefore, we must come to God with focused prayers asking for His strength.
A. I will continue to practice times of focused prayer (along with meditation, Bible Reading and worship songs) not only when I’m alert, but also in those moments when I am extremely tired.
P. Thank you Father for this reminder. Holy Spirit fill me and lead me to more times of focused prayer to strengthen me against times of temptation. in Jesus’ name!