2nd Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 15, 2017
10:00AM Rain or Shine!
Hey Kentwood, Caledonia and Gaines Township... Time to get UP! Be a BIG part of our community by sponsoring this event. There are 3 levels of sponsorship:
GOLD ($500)
Company name and logo at event
Company name and logo on website and social media
Company name on invite cards distributed
Recognition of company name over soundstage
SILVER ($200)
Company name and logo on website
Company name a on invite cards distributed
Recognition of company over soundstage.
BRONZE ($100 value donated in cash, gift cards or actual gifts/prizes)
Company name and logo on social media
Recognition of company over soundstage
You may pay by check or through our safe and secure online feature below.
Checks should be payable & mailed to: Better Life Church
P.O. Box 8888157
Kentwood, MI 49588-8157
Please complete our online sponsorship form below to indicate your level of partnership for this family event.