Posts tagged #Integrity

Integrity Starts at Home - May 19, 2018

S. Psalm 101:2-3 NLT "I will be careful to live a blameless life - when will you come to help me? I will lead a life of integrity in my own home. I will refuse to look at anything vile or vulgar." 

O. David desired to live a blameless life (not a sinless life) - he knew that his decisions and choices started at home. To be blameless, that is, to have wholeness in our life starts at home and within our hearts. 

Someone once said "reputation is how others see you, but having integrity is how God sees you." 

David asks the Lord "when will you come to help me?" He knew he needed God's help to be this leader of integrity and he knew it all started at home, in his private life.

A. I desire to a man of such integrity - blameless and whole. I pray that the choices (choices lead, feelings should follow) I make at home, with God's help will become the seeds of leadership before God and others.

P. Father, I desire to be this blameless leader as David desired. I am needing your help. I can do this on my own. Fill me with your Holy Spirit so that I can have seeds of faithful and fruitful leadership. In Jesus' name!

Posted on May 22, 2018 .