S.O.A.P. 30 Day Challenge – Day #21 Wednesday  February 21, 2024 “Pausing & Preparing”

S.O.A.P. 30 Day Challenge – Day #21 Wednesday  February 21, 2024 “Pausing & Preparing”

S. Acts 28:11 (NIV) “...After three months we put out to sea in a ship that had wintered in the island.”

O. Paul was on the island waiting for the time to come to head to Rome. While he waited, he ministered to those on the island. My thought is that while Paul waited for God to lead him in the next step of his journey – he remained active in kingdom work.

 I was also reading today in Numbers 8 and 9 of how God would lead the people. The cloud of His presence would lift and move and so would the people. At times the cloud would descend and settle. They would set up the tabernacle and His presence would fill the tabernacle and the priests would minister to the people during this time.

So my observation today is that God seems to give us seasons when He is actively guiding us, moving us and directing us – and at other times we have paused from forward movement, but we are to continue to serve Him, doing His work from the place He has us paused at.

A. This is a great teaching. While we wait for God to lead us in the next step in our journey, we should remain active in His work. I have tried to do this. While I waited for God’s leading in my journey (2018-2022), I preached (pulpit supply), I journaled (blogs) and did my SQUINT podcasts. Even now at Better Life Church, we work and prepare in some areas as we get ready for God’s active leading in the next season.

P. Thank you Lord for leading me in the spiritual journey you have set for me.  I know that there are seasons of much activity and then there are other seasons when you have me pause and do prep work for the next active season. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to prepare myself and BLC for the next active season you have for us. In Jesus’ name.

Posted on February 21, 2024 .