S.O.A.P. 30 Day Challenge – Day #19 February 19, 2024 “Consistent & Constant Witnessing”

S.O.A.P. 30 Day Challenge – Day #19 February 19, 2024 “Consistent & Constant Witnessing”

S. Acts 26:28-29 (NIV) 28 Then Agrippa said to Paul, “Do you think that in such a short time you can persuade me to be a Christian?” 29 Paul replied, “Short time or long—I pray to God that not only you but all who are listening to me today may become what I am, except for these chains.”

O. Paul takes this occasion to share his faith with these rulers (who could decide if he should be set free or not). Paul seems less concerned with his personal comfort and is more concerned that those listening would become Christians, no matter how long this might take (short time or long time).

A. I desire this in my life. I want to be ready for any and every occasion to be a consistent and constant witness of the Lord Jesus. To be less concerned with my own comfort, I pray that I can be as focused as Paul in directing people to Jesus.

P. Thank you Lord for Paul’s continued faithful example of being a consistent and constant witness of the Gospel of Jesus. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to likewise with consistency and “constancy” direct people to the Lord Jesus. In Jesus’ name.

Posted on February 19, 2024 .