S.O.A.P. 30 Day Challenge – Day #29, September 29, 2023 “Don’t Worry”

S. Luke 12:22-25 (NIV) “Then Jesus said to His disciples; ‘Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes. Consider the ravens; they do not sow or reap; they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than bird.’.”

O. Jesus teaches us to not worry but trust Him with provision. He takes care of birds, flowers, and the grass (v.27) – how much He will take care of each of us since we are even more valuable to Him. These creatures and creation do not sow or reap – yet they are provided for. However, we have the added blessing of being encouraged to sow and reap (2 Cor. 8-9; Gal. 6); knowing that God honors His word – worry should have no place in our life.

A. Having financial provision for the future can be something that I worry about. It is an area the enemy brings to my mind – yet I will focus on the kingdom work God has called me to and not give worry any place in my life. I know God is true to His word and will bless and provide.

P.  Thank you, Lord, for your word today. Forgive me when I allow worry and fear into my mind. Holy Spirit, fill me with thoughts and desires of Kingdom work and trusting the Father to provide as He desires. In Jesus’ name.

Posted on September 29, 2023 .