S.O.A.P. 30 Day Challenge – Day #26, September 26, 2023 “Fruit from Time with Jesus”

S. Luke 10:41-42(NIV) “’Martha, Martha,’” The Lord answered, ‘You are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed – or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’”

O. Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. But Mary spent time at Jesus’ feet and that time with Jesus will not be taken away – meaning there will be good that comes out of it. You can never go wrong spending time with Jesus. That time is special and can’t be taken away. Time with Jesus can embolden your faith, build you up and produce great results continually in your life. That’s what I call fruit.

A. I do this well in my personal life – But in my “ministry” life I can get distracted by all the “preparations” (planning) that needs to take place. While there is always a place and need for organizational planning and effort – there must also be the balance of enjoying in a season of ministry what Jesus is doing in my life and in the life of our church.

P. Thank you Lord for your word today. Thank you for the reminder to make certain to pause from the busyness and distractions of ministry and enjoy what Jesus is doing in the life of the church (and my family). Thank you Lord and I praise you in Jesus’ name!

Posted on September 26, 2023 .