S. Psalm 81:13-24 (NIV) “If my people would only listen to me, if Israel would only follow my ways, how quickly I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes.”
O. I see and feel the heart of God in this passage. He so desires to bless His people. God is a blesser. He is a rewarder (Hebrews11:6). Following Him, or obeying Him, as He sees it, is not that difficult. He says “if…only…” twice in these two verses. Yet He cannot bless or reward sin (disobedience). He longs for His people to make the right choices, to do the right thing.
A. I want so much to experience God’s blessings in my life. I desire to obey Him so that He is free to bless me or reward me. I will continue to seek His leading, guidance and protection so I can overcome the desires of my flesh and free God then to bless and reward me.
P. Thank you Father for the word today and for your desire to bless me. Holy Spirit, fill me and guide me to overcome any obstacle that would keep me from experiencing your favor, blessing and reward. I desire to be a faithful and fruitful follower of Jesus. I pray this in Jesus’ name.