S. Pslam 86:11-12 (NIV) “Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. I will praise you, Lord my God, with all my heart, I will glorify your name forever.”
O. David prayed that he might rely on God’s faithfulness and that God might give him an undivided heart. David is known in scripture as a man after God’s own heart - meaning He desired to have the very heart of God. He chased after God. He pursued God and here he prays for an undivided heart. David did not want anything else to compete for his service to the Lord. He desired his heart to be whole and to have singleness of direction.
A. I too desire an undivided heart - a singleness of focus and direction. I do not want other things to crowd out or distort my focus and attention of worshiping God and serving HIM. There are many “competing voices” in our world that can divide and water down our faith. But I, like David, will pray for an undivided heart and then I’ll praise with Him with All of My heart.
P. Thank you Lord for your word today. As David prayed so I pray for an undivided heart. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to block out the competing voices that I might serve you with a whole heart - in Jesus’ name.