S. 2 Timothy 2:2 (NIV) 2 And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others.
O. I see 3 key words in this passage that pop out at me. The first word is ENTRUST. It is the Greek word paratithami. It means to set before one (like setting food on the table). It’s a thing to be religiously kept and taught to others. The next word is RELIABLE. It means trusting, faithful; worthy of trust that can be relied upon. The third word is QUALIFIED. This menas to reach for, attain, and sufficient in ability..
Putting this together, Paul encourages Timothy to find people who are faithful and trustworthy. These people Timothy is to entrust God’s Word. Timothy is to place before them the very things he was taught by Paul so that they could grow and attain a sufficient level of teaching others.
I have two observations on this. The first is obvious, I think. As Christian leaders (pastors, teachers, etc.) I need to invest my time with people who have proven themselves. God’s word is too precious to entrust to those that are not faithful. So as a leader, I need to look for faithful people and invest time in them and with them. Jesus had his inner circle. He had over 70 disciples and 12 apostles, but he spent much of his time with the inner circle of Peter, James and John.
The second observation I say with tenderness and love. Have you proven yourself to be faithful to receive further or additional training so that you can attain a sufficient level to teach others? If you have, it will be noticeable. But if you haven’t, it’s quite possible that you might drop the ball (of God’s word) if a leader entrusts it to you too early. Christian leaders have a good idea of faithful qualities to look for: Does the person attend church regularly? Do they position themselves to be taught by their pastor? Do they have an active prayer life? How do you know? Just ask them to pray. People who have the habit of prayer are noticed when they pray. What does their Bible look like? Do they have one? Is it marked up? Do they talk about what they just read? Faithful people have these qualities and these are the ones Paul instructs Timothy to take to higher levels (entrust).
A. I desire somuch to help others grow in their faith so they also might teach others. This is God’s multiplying plan. However,If I entrust others who are not reliable (they have not proved to be faithful), not much will happen. Therefore, I will be faithful to entrust those that are faithful and I know they in turn will be teaching others. I will start with a few, like Jesus and his inner circle of Peter, James and John and work outward.
P. Thank you Father for bringing to me those who are faithful. Give me wisdom to teach and entrust those who are proven faithful so they can do the same. I pray this in Jesus’ name.