S. 2 Chronicles 16:7-9 (NIV) 7 At that time Hanani the seer came to Asa king of Judah and said to him: “Because you relied on the king of Aram and not on the Lord your God, the army of the king of Aram has escaped from your hand. 8 Were not the Cushites and Libyans a mighty army with great numbers of chariots and horsemen. Yet when you relied on the Lord, he delivered them into your hand. 9 For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. You have done a foolish thing, and from now on you will be at war.”
O. For 35 years Asa’s heart was fully committed to the Lord. He relied upon the Lord and the Lord strengthened him, gave him courage and blessed him. Yet, he began making plans without asking and trusting God. He relied upon others rather than relying upon God. Because of this, God did not give him victory and he later died from illness (and in that time, he did not seek God).
We must continue to always seek the Lord FIRST for His leading and guidance. He only is able to give us direction and the resources we need.
A. I have in my past, made decisions without first pausing to seek God’s leading and receive confirmation. Yet the word says God looks for those whose hearts are fully commited to Him that He might strengthen them. God actively looks to give us strength and provision. I will continue to seek the Lord, initially and primarily, for His guidance and provision. I will make plans but I will fully commit my plans to Him before acting upon them.
P. Thank you Lord that you actively look to bless those whose hearts are fully committed. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to live so that my heart is always fully committed to the Lord. In Jesus’ name!