S.O.A.P. 30 Day Challenge in 28 Days - Day #5, "Look In the Right Places" - Acts 12:24

S. Acts 12:24 (NIV) “The Word of God continued to spread and flourish.”

O. We live in a fallen and far from perfect world. At times it seems we take 1 step forward and 2 steps back. There are, at times, things that happen that makes absolutely no sense at all.

That seems to be the context of Acts 12. Imprisonment, escape, executions, death - yet the “Word of God continued to spread and flourish.” Regardless of what was (is) crashing down, God was undistracted. He remained focused on increasing and spreading His word.

A. Satan often throws setbacks and roadblocks to distract us. He enjoys planting thoughts in our minds to keep us from moving forward in doing God’s work. Through this passage God dials us back to what is important. Despite setbacks, roadblocks and negative thinking - only when we keep our focus on God’s agenda - reaching others and sharing His word, will we be able to overcome these times of distractions.

P. Thank you Father for directing my thoughts back to you. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to focus on the Father and His agenda - reaching people with and through Your Word. In Jesus’ name!

Posted on February 5, 2023 .