S. Acts 13:9-10 (NIV) “For we know in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears.”
O. Paul has been describing the gifts (1 Cor. 12) and the attitude with which we express them (1 Cor. 13). He describes the great virtue of love - Other things will cease but love will never fail. Paul describes a perfect state of all things which are ushered in by Jesus’ return - and in this time, love will certainly abound (my term) or continue.
A. I am so thankful that Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit and how He flows His gifts through us. I desire that my expression of these gifts will be with His love - love for Christ, love for His word and love for others. It is this love of Christ that will stay with us throughout eternity.
P. Thank you Father for your Word today. Thank you Jesus for sending us the Holy Spirit to flow His gifts through us. I pray that as I exercise His gifts, people will the love of the Lord Jesus in and through me. I ask this and pray this in Jesus’ name!