S. Acts 20:20 (NIV) “You know that I have not hesitated to preach anything that would be helpful to you but have taught you publicly and from house to house.”
O. Despire severe testing, Paul remained focused on God’s call on his life. Paul had 20-20 spiritual eyesight or vision. Paul remain focused on God’s call in proclaming Jesus (v.21, 24).
The trials and tests that Paul (and many today) experienced can, at times be enough to knock us down, derail us or keep us off balance in our walk with the Lord.
Paul models extreme faith to keep going. He models being a resilient disciple - if he gets knocked down, he gets back up. He breaks through with a grit, a determination, and a singular focus to proclaim Jesus.
A. This is my desire - to have that grit, determination, resiliency and singularity of focus - to have 20-20 spiritual vision and insight in preaching and teaching Jesus. No matter the trials, I continue to believe God for more - more people and more opportunities to preach and teach about Jesus and the Gospel of God’s grace (v.24).
P. Thank you Father for your word today. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me with wisdom, insight and a bold faith to break through walls of testing with 20-20 vision and to bear much fruit. In Jesus’ name!