S. Romans 16:1, 3-15 (NIV) “I commend to you our sister Phoebe, great Priscilla and Acquilla, my co-workers in Christ..Greet my dear friend Epenates who the first convert to Christ…”
O. In most of Paul’s writings, he first deals with doctrine and then application, which is the right order. In this chapter (some think it was an add on because he didn’t want to fail to commend others), Paul is able to mention 27 people by name - I think because he daily actively prayed for them. I think before Paul preached or taught, he prayed.. and He prayed for others that he had relationships with.
A. Jesus taught that the true treasures were people and their eternal destiny. Paul takes a moment to commend and value people he had relationships. I can clearly see that we cannot do God’s work alone. We certainly need God’s leading and provision and we need others (that God will send to us). I am so thankful for many people in my life. I maintain a daily prayer list with names of many people. I do this because I so value their relationship to me, whether that be family, friends or those serving in ministry with me.
P. Heavenly Father thank you for the reminder of actively praying for/with those you bring into my life and the many relational facets we have. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to continue daily in the ministry of intercessory prayer for these special people.. your true riches. In Jesus’ name.