S.O.A.P. 30 Day Challenge Day #22 - June 22, 2022 Spiritual Muscles For A Better Life

S. 1 Timothy 4:7 (NIV) 7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. 8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.

O. Paul encourages Timothy that while many ohters are leaving the faith, Timothy is to train himself to be godly. Just as physical training has some value - training in the spiritual realm has value for both the present life and for our after life in heaven. The word “train” is the word “gumnazo” of which we have our word “gymnasium (gym).”

Not only are there benefits from physically working out but spiritual fitness also brings us many spiritual benefits. Just as a person might lift free weights or work out on weight machines and devices designed to increase physical speed, strength, agility, flexibility, endurance, etc… there are also spiritual disciplines which can help to heighten our spiritual senses and strengthen our “spiritual muscles.” Disciplnes such as reading and journaling God’s word, studying God’s word, memorizing verses, an active prayer life, sharing our faith with others, etc..

A. I will continue my spiriutal workouts in such disciplines of bible reading, journaling, studying, prayer, sharing my faith, preaching, leading others to develop their faith, etc. These disciplines are like the weights in the gym. They help me build up my spiritual muscles and provide blessings for my life both now and in my life for eternity.

P. Thank you Father for your word today. Holy Spirit continue to fill me and guide me in practicing and teaching such spiritual disciplines rather than to follow others who are literally walking away from our great faith. In Jesus’ name!

Posted on June 22, 2022 .