S. 2 Corinthians 5:20 (NIV) We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.”
O.Paul teaches that God uses us as His ambassadors. An ambassador here is an older person (part of the root word comes from presbueterein or elder) who is to act as an established diplomat or statesman. We are God’s messengers and the message we bring is fairly straightforward - “Be reconciled to God.” Reconciliation is to be brought back into God’s favor. The message is direct with urgency.
A. I will continue to reach out to people in as many ways as possible (preaching, teaching, blogging, podcasting, personal witnessing, etc) encouraging them to be brought back into favor with God. I will use, as one former preacher said, “every available means and every available method to reach every available person” for Christ. I will not stop. I will continue to work with this same sense of urgency. God has called me to be a front lines warrior for Him and trust Him as I enjoy the Blessed Life He has for me.
P. Thank you Father for this word today. Thank you Lord Jesus for the ministry and message of reconciliation. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to urgently reach out to others that they may be brought back into your favor. In Jesus’ name!