S. Mark 2:3-5 (NIV) 3 Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. 4 Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. 5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”
O. Jesus forgives the man’s sins and then heals him (v.10-11) because (primarily or initially) of the faith of the men (his friends) collectively speaking. Jesus “saw their faith.” These four men carried their friend to Jesus. With such a large crowd gathering, they found a way to get him right in the presence of Jesus. I suppose they could have thought “Jesus will know we’re back here with our friend and will heal Him from a distance” (which Jesus could have done.) However, Mark is noting the initiative of faith that these men expressed. They cut a hole through someone’s roof to lower the man right in front of Jesus. That’s impressive!
Jesus saw their actions - faith demonstrated by works. He was moved. God is moved, I think, by our bold prayers, requests actions and movements that seek His attention and/or favor.
A. I deisre to be as bold as these men in the expression of my faith. I will continue to list out names of people to pray for and then bring these before God (both in prayer and in actual invitation), maybe even offering transportation to church so they can hear the gospel of Christ. Our crowd isn’t so great that we need to cut a hole through the roof and I’m not sure how the owner of our building would take it if we did , but I will continue to invite people and provide opportunities for people to hear God’s word proclaimed.
P. Thank you Father for the example of bold faith. Lord Jesus I pray that I can honor you with such faith as these men, that my friends might come to know you as Lord and Savior. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to move my faith forward as these men did. In Jesus’ name!