S. Numbers 9:23 (NIV) “At the Lord’s command they encamped, and at the Lord’s command they set out. They obeyed the Lord’s order in accordance with His command through Moses.”
O. What dictated Israel’s movements was the Lord’s presence. It wasn’t the weather. It wasn’t market conditions. It was God’s presence moving them. They listened to God’s voice for their direction (timing, destination, etc.). Moses had asked the Lord to go before them and lead them (Exodus 33:13-16). He desired God’s presence to be the distinguishing characteristic that made Israel different from the other nations.
A. I desire to listen to voice of God and to be obedient to His voice. So I need His presence. I enjoy His hand but I need His face. I want Him to not only let me come before Hiim, but I will sure be happy if He will go before me, guiding me, directing me and that I also might reflect some of His glory. I want people who see me to know that I’ve been with the Lord Jesus.
P. Thank you Father for your word today. I so much desire to be in your presence, not for what you might give me, but for how you want me to be along for the journey you have for me, with you guiding me, leading me, going before me every step of the way. I pray that as a result of being in your presence, I will reflect a little of you to others; i.e., that others will know I’ve been with you. In Jesus’ name!