S.O.A.P. 30 Day Challenge - Day #25 - November 25, 2022 "God Desires Faithfulness & Fruitfulness"

S. Matthew 21:43 (NIV) “Therefore I tell you that the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit.”

O. Jesus is teaching and communicating that God is no longer giving Israel priority in the Kingdom of God. He is going to give this to another (Gentiles). Jesus has demonstrated this by the cursing of the fig tree (should have had fruit) and then His parable of the landowner. The tenants of this vineyard (land - i.e. Israel) mistreated two sets of servants and then mistreated his son (OT prophets, NT disciples and then Jesus). He concludes that the kingdom will be given to another who will bear fruit (presumably Gentiles).

As I read this overall passage, it seems clear to me that this is the beginning of Israel being set aside (c.f. Romans 9-11).

A. Though this passage is talking about national privilege and priority in the Kingdom of God and not personal (individual) salvation, it is clear that God desires obedience and fruit bearing from His people. I desire to be an obedient (faithful) and fruitful follower of Jesus and that He will be pleased and extend His favor and blessing to me.

P. Thank you Father for your word today. Thank you Lord Jesus for the great salvation you have given. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to be faithful and fruitful that I might enjoy the continued favor and blessings that the Father has for those who serve Him. In Jesus’ name!

Posted on November 25, 2022 .