Day 11 January 19, 2022
Prayer Focus: Great Faith In Our Calling
Do you wonder if your purpose will ever be fulfilled?
1 Thessalonians 5:24 (NIV)
“The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it.”
1 Thessalonians 5:24 (AMP)
24 Faithful and absolutely trustworthy is He who is calling you [to Himself for your salvation], and He will do it [He will fulfill His call by making you holy, guarding you, watching over you, and protecting you as His own].
To complete your calling requires great faith.
People question their calling and quitting in pursuing their purpose largely because it doesn’t match up with their plans.
We need to be careful that we don’t put restrictions on God for our plans.
God puts us in a place for a purpose and it’s about His pace.
3 Things that can help us in Great Faith for our calling.
Trust God enough to leave your comfort zone.
God doesn’t call us for His comfort but for His purpose
Trust God enough to release your control.
I would rather leave my control and fall into trusting God.
Trust God to catch you.
Sometimes we come in waiting for God to move but He’s waiting for you to jump!
If God calls you to it, you can trust Him to carry you through it.
If God has a calling for you He will do it!
If He started it He will Finish it!