S. 1 Peter 3:14b-15 (NIV) “…Do not fear their threats; do not be frightened. But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.”
O. Peter has been providing encouragement through trials and suffering. He has written much about leaving justice to the Lord and for us (Christ followers) to focus on relationships.
In these times of trials and suffering, we are not to fear (threats and what others fear); rather, we are to REVERE Christ as Lord in the deep areas of our thoughts and feelings (our hearts).
To revere Christ is to set him apart as specail in our lives (hagedzo). Christ is to occupy that special place in our hearts. He is our ultimate “go to person” - our “go to God.” Because He is there for us; we really have no reason to fear difficult times; rather - to be thankful and count it as special for our relationship with Him.
A. I think I, at times, allow fear to keep me unfocused or off balance. Yet I know when I revere Christ -that is, count Him special to & through my life, and separate myself to a life of honoring and seving Him, I can be at peace, despite the suffering, troubles or storms of life.
P. Thank you Father for your word. I desire to daily revere you in my heart and mind. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to dailing revering Christ over fear. In Jesus’ name!