S. 1 Peter 1:15-16 (NIV) “But just as He who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written, ‘Be holy, because I am holy.’”
O. Peter writes to instruct and encourage believers to not give in or conform to past evil desires; rather, He says we are to be holy just as God who called us is holy.
The word “holy” in the Greek is “hagios” and means to be separated, be distinct, different from the world, and special unto the Lord.
God has called us to a life of serving Him -a life that is special. We are not to conform to past desires; rather, we are to show ourselves to the world as uniquely serving the Lord.
A. I will be sure to give careful thought to my thoughts and actions, making certain that I am clear in representing the Lord and His high calling in my life. I want others to see in my life a consistent and constant lifestyle that serves Christ through a life of purity, integrity, love for God and His word and for others.
P. Thank you Father for loving us and calling us to your high standard. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to have a consistent witness for you - In Jesus’ name!