Honoring the Sacred Call - 1 Timothy 5:22 c.f. 1 Timothy 3:1-11 (NIV)

S. 1 Timothy 5:22 “Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands and do not share in the sins of others. Keep yourself pure.”

O. Paul instructs Timothy on the importance of honoring elders in the church. Because of their important leadership role, Paul writes for them to not be hasty. Do not be too quick. Elders, Deacons - leaders in the church need a time of testing (1 Timothy 3:1-11).

I think Paul is describing the ordination of Elders (pastors). It is right to expect that the leaders have prepared themselves for the important task of leading the church - shepherding and equipping the flock.

A. I am reminded of the “sacredness” of the call and the need for preparation. I recall my own ordination and how really thrilling it was to experience that process. I have enjoyed in the past serving in the ordination process of those entering the pastorate. I will continue to uphold this very special time and process.

P. Thank you Father for this word and reminder. The “sacredness” of your call in our life as pastors. Grant me wisdom and insight to keep this as a lofty yet desirous process to ensure the protection and purity of the church.

Posted on July 11, 2021 .