S. Acts 10:47 (NIV)
“Then Peter said, ‘Surely no one can stand in the way of their being baptized with water. They have received the Holy Spirit just as we have. So he ordered that they be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ.”
O. God poured out the Holy Spirit onto the Gentiles as they listened to Peter share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Gentile believers were then water baptized.
Consistent with the sharing of the Gospel and upon belief (as seen in the book of Acts) is water baptism and the reception of the Holy Spirit. The order is not always the same, but the work of Holy Spirit and the practice of immersion water baptism is consistently present.
But even more than that, is the joy, excitement and new boldness that new believers often exhibit. How thrilling that God calls us (pastors) to share the gospel and then to share in the joy that follows when these new converts place their faith in Christ. The “Perks of Preaching.”
A. It has been my joy to witness the work of the Holy Spirit and be present in the baptisms (not only in my own life) but also the lives of others who have professed faith upon hearing the Good News. The results are often joy, excitement and boldness in these new converts lives and it simply spills over and blesses those who are witnessing this wonderful moment.
P. Thank you Father that salvation and all that comes with it is available to all people of all walks of life. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to faithfully share the gospel where ever I am sent. Thank you for the “Perks of Preaching” in that I too have my faith built up when I see others responding to you. In Jesus’ name!