S.O.A.P. 28 Day Challenge - February 23, 2021 Day #23 "The Exploration & Experience of Our Faith"

S. Numbers 13:1 (NIV)

“The Lord said to Moses, ‘ Send some men to explore this land of Canaan, which I am giving to the Israelites. From each ancestral tribe, send one of its leaders.”

O. God had promised the land to Israel. It seems to me God could have let Moses know what the land was like and who lived on it. However, God allowed them to explore and experience the land for themselves. This would then offer the opportunity for the people to increase their faith and dependence upon God. Sadly, most of the men saw only obstacles and were afraid of such a venture. Only Caleb and Joshua remained confident in what God could do.

A. God allows us experience in life that tests our faith and our dependence upon Him. I know when I have allowed fear to take over, I often live then with unfulfilled expectations and at times I find myself battling a spirit of regret.

However, at other times I have prayed through the obstacles knowing my calling and gifting. During those times God has increased or “emboldened” my faith - no regrets - just fulfillment with wonder and awe.

P. Thank you Father that you allow us exploration and experiences in life. Holy Spirt fill me and guide me to bold moves - trusting the Father ever more for His provision, protection, supply and blessing. I pray for my faith to increase and that God will be glorified because I stepped out believing Him for His promises. In Jesus’ name!

Posted on February 23, 2021 .