21 Days of Prayer - January 8, 2021 - Day #6 Obedience to Him

Day 6, January 8, 2021  

Caterpillars, slow, hairy, chunky, go into a cocoon.  But after 21 days they come out transformed and beautiful.  I think that’s what is going on during this 21 days and we will come out transformed. 

This week it’s been about Surrender.

Today focus to return to Obeying Him.

We like to talk about grace and love but obedience is hard. That word comes with weight. You are either obedient or disobedient. 

What is God’s heart in obedience.

We can come to God only by faith, but we can grow in God only by obedience.

1 John 5:3 (ESV)

For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.

Two truths that we must understand.

God is God

Ephesians 1 “He’s above all”

When He calls the play; we run the play.  The answer is “yes!”

Just like the military receives the command it is carried out.  God is God!

God is also Good. 

His commands are not burdensome.

Oh Taste and see that He is good. Psalm 34

His commands are always for us though we may not see it.

When we obey, we grow and see what He sees more clearly.

Things that need to be fixed, are unfixable without God.

Obedience begins with prayer today!

If this is a struggle for you, today is a day where you might step into a place that God has for you and claim that God will take down every wall or barrier; give your life to Him and completely be obedient to Him.

Maybe some of us need to be praying a prayer of forgiveness for disobedience. 

Perhaps forgiveness it’s time to forgive another person; perhaps it’s time to forgive yourself.

Today, let’s walk into obedience to God’s call in our life.  When He calls the play; let’s run the play in faith.

God is God!  God is good and the answer is YES!

Posted on January 8, 2021 .