S. Romans 3:21-22
21 But now apart [k]from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets, 22 even the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ for all those [l]who believe; fo”r there is no distinction; 23 for all [m]have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
O. Paul just concludes Romans 1-3 that there are none righteous (Rom. 3:10) other than God. However Paul then uses a conjunction of contrast in v. 21 “But now.” This may be the biggest “but” in history. Paul states that God’s holiness (which incidentally I just read about in Psalm 99 today), God’s righteous is now revealed. It is revealed or given through or because of the faithfulness of Jesus.
Many modern bibles read this “faith in Jesus” which is certainly not wrong. However the word faith in this text is in the Greek genitive case which shows possession or source - so it, I think, more accurately reads “the faithfulness of Jesus.”. Because of Jesus’ faithfulness - God’s righteousness is now revealed and made available to all.
A. I am thankful for Jesus’ faithfulness. Without Jesus we do not have any way to stand before God, let alone have a relationship with Him. So I am so thankful for this big “but” in scripture.
P. Thank you Father for Jesus’ faithfulness that is revealed and made available so all can have a relationship with you. In Jesus’ name!