Sharing the Goodness of God - Psalm 34 - April 18, 2020

S. Psalm 34:8

“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.”

O. This is an acrostic Psalm - each letter begins with the successive letters of the Hebrew alphabet. This Psalm is rich or full of David’s love and dependence upon the Lord.

The word “taste” means to perceive, perceiving or coming to realize by examination of tasting. Just like I realize how good a certain food is by tasting.

The word “see” means to perceive;a as to know by learning. The word “good” means pleasant or agreeable.

David has experienced God and found Him to be so right, so good, so dependable. You simply experience Him yourself and when you do, you will not lack (safety, fullness, hunger, deliverance and peace).

A. I will continue to “taste” God; that is I will continue to put my life in His hands and let Him lead me, let Him provide for me; when I’ve done this in the past, I truly realize How good He really is. I will continue to see Him through all of my senses and then share Him with others, through teaching, preaching, S.O.A.P. and through active conversation.

P. Thank you father for being so good , so pleasant and so right. I desire your continued presence and leading in all that I do. Holy Spirit enlighten me the opportunities to share with others how good You God, really are. In Jesus name!

Posted on April 18, 2020 .