Walking at the Spirit's Pace - Galatians 5:23

S. Galatians 5:23 “Since we live by the spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.”

O. Paul is contrasting the acts (deeds) of the flesh with the fruit of the Spirit. He then says that “those who belong to Christ have crucified the flesh.” (v.24) Christ Jesus accomplished this on the cross. When we place our faith in Christ we then can choose to also crucify, i.e., live out this reality by submitting all of our decisions and desires to the Lord and no longer live independently from Him.

When we do this, we are then able to walk in line, in step or at the same pace as the Spirit would have us walk. Perhaps like waling in unison with the Spirit.

A. I struggle to be at the same pace with the Holy Spirit because I still allow my flesh its way. I desire to live and completely submit myself to the Lord and not be independent of Him.

P. Thank you Father for this word today. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to submit all my desires and decisions to the Lord Jesus that I might be in step with you. That I might walk or live at the same pace with you. In Jesus’ name.!

Posted on November 7, 2020 .