S. Mark 14:38 “Watch and pray so t hat you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.”
O. Jesus is about to be betrayed, scourged and crucified. He is in agonizing prayer. He asks the disciples to likewise pray. He says to them to “watch” - to be vigilant - to be aware and on the alert rather than give into the temptation of sleeping.
Jesus Himself does not want to give into his flesh. He knows he needs to follow through to obey God’s plan. He needs His disciples to join Him in watchful prayer.
A. When God is calling me to be obedient to His plan for my life, it might not be what my flesh wants. There might be other “fleshly” gratifying things I could do - therefore, I need to be alert, watchful, and on guard while I pray. The Holy Spirit will guide me, but because my flesh is weak, I need to remain in a vigilant state of prayer.
P. Thank you Father for Jesus’ example. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me. Give me spiritual strength over my fleshly weaknesses. In Jesus’ name!