S. Mark 10:43-45 “…instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant and whoever wants to be first must be a slave of all. For even the son of man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for the many.”
O. The disciples wanted to know who among them would sit in the places of kingdom leadership next to Jesus. They had become indignant of James and John.
Jesus teaches, what I believe is the theme of Mark’s gospel - that being to truly be a leader, you must be a servant to all. That’s just what Jesus modeled before them - Servant leadership. As writer Ray Steadman so wonderfully named his commentary on the Gospel of Mark, - “The Servant Who Rules and The Ruler Who Serves.”
A. I often like to be first - first in line, first to accomplish something or best parking spot, best seat at a conference. Some of this is due to my competitive nature and some of this is simply about being first. I like to be recognized as a leader. Yet, I will practice what Jesus teaches and that is to let others go ahead of me - to be a leader who serves people.
P. Thank you Father for your word and for the example of Jesus’ servant leadership. Holy Spirit fill me and guide me to lead through serving others. In Jesus’ name!